It is estimated that roughly 80% of eastern European face unhealthy levels of air pollution. Which of these would be least likely yo cause air pollution?
Europe's air quality has not always improved in line with the general decrease of anthropogenic (human-caused) emissions of air pollutants. Reasons for this are complex:
there is not always a clear linear relationship between decreasing emissions and the concentrations of air pollutants observed in the air;
there is a growing contribution of long-distance transport of air pollutants to Europe from other countries in the northern hemisphere.
Targeted efforts to reduce emissions are therefore still required to further protect human health and the environment in Europe.
Sources of air pollution
There are various sources of air pollution, both anthropogenic and of natural origin:
burning of fossil fuels in electricity generation, transport, industry and households;
industrial processes and solvent use, for example in chemical and mineral industries;
waste treatment;
volcanic eruptions, windblown dust, sea-salt spray and emissions of volatile organic compounds from plants are examples of natural emission sources.
European Union policies
The EU's long-term objective is to achieve levels of air quality that do not result in unacceptable impacts on, and risks to, human health and the environment. The EU acts at many levels to reduce exposure to air pollution: through legislation; cooperation with sectors responsible for air pollution, as well as international, national and regional authorities and non-governmental organisations; and research. EU policies aim to reduce exposure to air pollution by reducing emissions and setting limits and target values for air quality. In late 2013, the European Commission adopted a proposed Clean Air Quality Package including new measures to reduce air pollution.
hope this information helps you