English, asked by Gbmohanty, 1 year ago

It is impossible to remain unaffected by advertisements . give your views in 300-350 words either for or against the statement


Answered by Apika
I m on strong opposition to this topic

Hey friends first of all let us know the meaning of advertisement. A notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy is called advertisement. Hence it is their job for economic benefits.

It does not really affect an individual if he wants. Today is the world of intelligence and busy schedule where a person is not even free to waste his 1 second. And thus advertisement are not given so much of attention. People prefer to self analyse the things to act on it.
The International Day Against Advertising is a call to arms to "free up the planet from ads," and expects participation from at least 20 cities in six countries, particularly in Europe, South America, and the US. These can include covering up, defacing or replacing ad panels, graffiti, or social media campaigns, among other things. (The website calls for action "individually, collectively, with direct and non-violent actions, by raising awareness about the ads which frustrate us.")
But I don't believe marketing creates any kind of need to buy. I haven't noticed it in myself, but then, I don't really buy much stuff. I'm annoyed by the all-encompassing statement 'of course it affects everyone', that sounds as stupid as 'of course everyone believes in a higher being' or 'better bad publicity than no publicity'.

In favour
Anyway, I think what most people mean when they say "advertising does not affect me" is "I have never bought anything I don't want because of an advert". Which is, really, a rather slippery statement. Of course advertising affects us. It raises brand awareness and product awareness. It encourages us to align products with certain market segments, which is then something we can choose to fall in step with or reject. Etc Yes. If you have any exposure to the media, TV, internet, movies, etc. you are being affected by advertising. It would be disingenous to say I've never been affected by advertising. It affects everyone who sees it, and it's silly to pretend otherwise. The trick is to make sure you know how it affects you, because it's not always bad. A common question at our house is "What do the people who made that commercial want you to do?" I always like to ask folks who claim to hate all advertising and aren't influenced by it if they watch movie trailers. Because me, I loves me some movie trailers.
Answered by sonabrainly

Advertising plays an important role as an information provider. It helps people to form their opinions and participate in a democratic debate. There is a close relation between advertising and democracy, media helps in forming a cultural and political diversity. Advertising communicates the policies and politics of the govt. to society so that citizens can make informed political choices. Right political choices byt he society are very necessary for the success of democracy and advertising and media plays a respectful role in formimg public opinion.

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