It is required to design and implement: 1. A counter which counts from 0 to 255 with seven segment display. 2. A logic function y=∑( 0,3,5,10,16,20,30 35). 3. Summing and subtracting circuit of 8 digit numbers. 4. ROM (a,b,c,d) to 60 to 75 in binary. 5. A timing module which counts time in us or ms or seconds.
It is required to make a research which covers the course goal. The course goal is to be acquainted with basic logic gates, combinational modules, sequential modules, registers, counters, and RAM. You should be capable to design and implement a complete logic project
A Digital Decoder IC, is a device which converts one digital format into another and one of the most commonly used devices for doing this is called the Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) to 7-Segment Display Decoder.
7-segment LED (Light Emitting Diode) or LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) type displays, provide a very convenient way of displaying information or digital data in the form of numbers, letters or even alpha-numerical characters.
Typically 7-segment displays consist of seven individual coloured LED’s (called the segments), within one single display package. In order to produce the required numbers or HEX characters from 0 to 9 and A to F respectively, on the display the correct combination of LED segments need to be illuminated and BCD to 7-segment Display Decoders such as the 74LS47 do just that.