Physics, asked by malasarmah123, 1 year ago

It is said that "carbondioxide gas to global warming" . Explain


Answered by Anonymous

here's ur answer...

it is said that "carbon-dioxide gas to global warming". because as we know that carbon-dioxide is a greenhouse gas which don't allow the trapped radiation or heat that falls on the earth escape back into space. this is known as green house effect. for these trapped radiation and heat the climate of the earth is at a constant temperature. greenhouse effect is thus very important to maintain the temperature of the earth at a habitable level. over the past few 100 years, human have been burning trees and fossil fuels, thereby releasing millions of tons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. the increased level of carbon dioxide has caused the temperature of the earth even more warmer. for this reason it's said carbon-dioxide to global warming.

because of global warming the sea is overflowing and birds and animals are dying because of this very hot climate.

to stop this we should plant more and more trees and pause the use of plastics and other non eco friendly products.

hope my answer is satisfactory...!!


malasarmah123: Thank u soo much...ur answer is very helpful
Anonymous: wlcm frnd!!
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