It rained ...whole night
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It rained the whole night.
- English has two articles: "the" and a/an. "The" is used to refer to specific or particular nouns; "a/an" is used to modify non-specific or non-particular nouns
- The indefinite article takes two forms, that is, "a & an" and is used to refer to a general idea rather than a specific thing. We use "a" before a word when the words start with a consonant and we use"an" before a word, when the word starts with a "vowel". However, there are some exceptions to the use of a/an. The indefinite article only appears with singular nouns.
- "The" is a definite article and is used to refer to a specific noun or indicate a specific thing. It restricts the meaning of a noun to one specific thing. The definite article can be used with singular, plural, or uncountable nouns.
- In the above case we use the article "the" (definite article)as here we are referring to one specific circumstance/situation ('herein, the whole night") and not in general.
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fill in the blanks with correct articles .Grammar (Article : A/An)What ...
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By filling in the blank space we will get ''It rained the whole night''.
- Correcting the sentences requires the proper use of grammar.
- Proper use of grammatical organization and all the dependent and independent clauses.
- The main thing is we should focus on the use of the proper form of the verb.
- The use of 's' or 'es' depends upon the use of the form of a singular or plural verb.
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