English, asked by dharanisri1118, 11 months ago

it's soft but girls hand make it hard what is that ​


Answered by meghaalways198pd5e3y


That is That! (New discovery! LMAO!)

Answered by brokendreams

Nail polish is the answer.


  • Nail polish is a paint that generally girls use as a cosmetic product to paint their nails.
  • The nail polish is a varnish usually mixed with some oil or alcohol mixture that remains in liquid form inside the nail polish box.
  • But when it's applied on the nail, the acetone evaporates off owing to its low boiling point.
  • So the girl's hands make it hard in a poetic way.
  • So here lies the riddle, although some person will search for some vulgar meaning in this riddle.

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