It's very important in our lyf to respect others.... Elaborate it
your answer :-
Actully its very important to help other is correct . For our comfort we sometimes not help other what if the same thing happened with us
Let's think about it once
What happened if we are having a problem and no one is helping us ?
How you feel ?
It gives a bad feeling to our heart .
So we should help others .
According to the pic lets thing here is your grandmother how you feel then . So we should think this as our duty to help everyone .
According to me
God helps those who helps other .
So keep helping
Remember it one day you will get your result .
The above picture describes the irrespectful society
Now young peolpe are well versed in Technology but not in manners
They don't even know how to respect their parents and teachers. ..
It is young people's fault it is their parent's fault
So I request alk the parents to teach their children that moral values is more important than money