It would have been difficult for the constituent assembly
Indian Constitution was created by Constitution Assembly (CA) through elaborate discussions and disputes which resolved by consensus within its near 300 members crew in almost three years starting December 1946 and enacted January 1950. Most of the concepts like residuary power, Separation of powers by three different lists, Bicameralism, Powers of President were almost similar or minimal changes in Indian Constitution compared to The Government of India (GOI) Act, 1935. But GOI Act, 1935 failed w.r.t the fundamental concepts like Equality, Freedom, Adult franchise [it extended only 10% people by that time] etc.
Even though our forefathers who created constitution got mere learning/reading experience from GOI Act, 1935 as most of its provisions [esp. its federal part] were not implemented until our freedom. Moreover we should not forget about “The Simon Commission” or “The White men Commission”s white paper was the major source to create the GOI Act, 1935. This commission was created the then British Parliament headed by George Simon [a cabinet minister] at 1927-1928 for an early review of incumbent act fearing Labour Party’s leniency towards India. For which a massive protest happened in British India against this commission where great leaders like Lala Lajpat Rai, Bhagat Singh protested (unfortunately lost their life) stating that a complete white men commission cannot deliberately review and recommend the concerns of Indians in its report.
Also we have to consider the following aspects which gave strength to CA on the massive constitution creation task. 1920 Nagpur INC session at first time passed a resolution for equality [esp gender]. Later Motilal Nehru who created a draft constitution which also included gender equality and fundamental rights at 1928. Poona Pact between Mahatma Gandhi and BR Ambedkar aimed to get depressed class people rights by a separate electorate. Later this provision has been converted/changed as ‘Reserved Electorate’. Most of the directive principles in constitution were either taken from Gandhian or Socialist principles.
In Administration level, Indian police and Indian Civil Services were already created during the initial years of Company rule itself. There was a provision of a body (Central PSC) to select eligible members to these services in GOI Act, 1935. In Judiciary also the same case where there was a provision of creating a Federal Court to control all the other courts in India. Hence in both administration and justice we came to know that the GOI Act, 1935 aims to create their respective governing bodies to manage and control law and order in an already established system.
When we agree that the GOI Act, 1935 was reduced the time frames of constitution creation, we should not forget that it was created to manage (or control) the affairs of a colony upon vested commercial interests of The Great Britain. At the same time we need to accept that there were many Indian intellectuals laid a strong foundation well before GOI Act, 1935 for this cause. Thus the members of CA had derived their experience from all sphere’s [not only stick to GOI Act, 1935) which in turn made Indian constitution as enriched in its people welfare view, enlarge its content from all connotations within a short span of three years time.