Business Studies, asked by wickkypk3, 2 months ago

its ceo perceives his organization could be more profitable if it could respond to customers more quickly so he has decided to remove some management layers and increase the remaining managers' span of control.
Q which management function would be considered for this?​


Answered by seemamishra610



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Asked 11th Jul, 2014

Mahfuz Judeh

Applied Science Private University

What is the ideal management span of control within an organization?

Span of control is most used in Business Management and Human Resources Management. The bigger the number of the subordinates a manager controls, the broader is her/his span of control.

Business Administration

Human Resource Management




Most recent answer

5th Aug, 2014

Mahfuz Judeh

Applied Science Private University

Dear Noor,

You have raised a very important point. " On the operation management perspective, is the efficiency; ie the bigger the span of control the more efficient the process is". Definately no, I belive after a certain limit, the larger span of control is, the less efficeint the process will be.


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Popular Answers (1)

11th Jul, 2014

Behrouz Ahmadi-Nedushan

Yazd University

Dear Mahfuz,

My answer is It depends as there is no ideal number that fits every organization.

The following factors affecting span of control:

1. Geographical dispersion, if the branches of a business are widely dispersed, then the manager will find it difficult to supervise each of them, as such the span of control will be smaller.

2. Capability of workers, if workers are highly capable, need little supervision, and can be left on their own, e.g.: Theory Y type of people, they need not be supervised much as they are motivated and take initiative to work; as such the span of control will be wider.

3. Capability of boss, an experienced boss with good understanding of the tasks, good knowledge of the workers and good relationships with the workers, will be able to supervise more workers

4. Value-add of the boss, a boss that is adding value by training and developing new skills in the workers will need a narrow span of control than one who is focused only on performance management (this is the reverse of the capability of workers point above)

5. Similarity of task, if the tasks that the subordinates are performing are similar, then the span of control can be wider, as the manager can supervise them all at the same time.

6. Volume of other tasks, if the boss has other responsibilities, such as membership of committees, involvement in other projects, liaising with stakeholders, the number of direct reports will need to be smaller

7. Required administrative tasks, if the boss is required to have regular face to face meetings, complete appraisal and development plans, discuss remuneration benefits, write job descriptions and employment contracts, explain employment policy changes and other administrative tasks then the span of control is reduced.

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