English, asked by gowshika132007, 2 months ago

IV.Complete the sentences with the to-Infinitives of the verbs given below.

(bring, assist, weigh, remind, preside)
1. I must remember
Salim about my book when I meet him tomorrow. He forgot
it yesterday
2. We use scales
3. The army officer was invited
over the function,
4. My sister wants me
her with her homework,​

sainasharma10: This app
gowshika132007: yes common
sainasharma10: I have not inbox power !
gowshika132007: ok
sainasharma10: Ia m trying to get
sainasharma10: today I completed half century for getting inbox power
gowshika132007: bye bye
sainasharma10: Good Night ☺️✌️✌️
sainasharma10: Sweet Dreams ♥️♥️♥️
gowshika132007: same to you


Answered by deveshpal02289


For example, sometimes your mood will swing between feeling confident and happy to feeling irritated and depressed in a short span of timeA compass can be used to detect presence of magnetic field as it will deflect from its N-S direction to direction if magnetic field at that point.

Answered By

Typical conifers in these mountain regions are pines (Pinus), firs (Abies), spruces (Picea), and the deciduous larches (Larix). Some areas have broad-leaved deciduous trees, and a variety of smaller plants are found beneath the trees, especially in moister spots.write the logical expression corresponding to the following statements in python and evaluate the expression (assuming variables num1,num2,num 3,first,middle,last are already having meaningful values ):

a)the sum of 20 and -10 is less than 12at deep inside the ocean the pressureAnswer. One of the most popular rag-s of the malhar family, Miyan ki malhar or Miya malhar is supposedly a creation of the legendary Miyan Tansen and patronised by the great Emperor AkbarIf you are at sea level, each square inch of your surface is subjected to a force of 14.6 pounds. The pressure increases about one atmosphere for every 10 meters of water depth. At a depth of 5,000 meters the pressure will be approximately 500 atmospheres or 500 times greater than the pressure at sea level.Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth's average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels. ... By the beginning of the 21st century, Earth's temperature was roughly 0.5 degrees Celsius above the long-term (1951–1980) average.




A. 1. A stereoscope is a device for viewing a three-dimensional image. The stereoscope is no

longer popular because we have much better technology today that even lets us watch films in


2. The magic lantern was responsible for starting Ray’s passion for films. This was because the

light from the lamp threw moving images from the revolving film onto a wall, resembling an

actual movie. This fascinated Ray and he became passionate about film-making.

3. The non-stop chatter from a magician is called ‘patter’. A magician’s patter makes the

audience look more at his face than his hands, which helps him pull off all his tricks.

4. Ray was more impressed with Madame Palermo than Shefallo as the latter used patter as a

distraction while Madame Palermo performed in complete silence.


B. 1. I happened to watch a Bengali magician at a wedding party, whose skills made Shefallo’s

performance on the stage pale in comparison.

2. Clad in a dhoti and a shirt, he looked no different from other ordinary men. Who could tell he

had such extraordinary talent?

3. But I never met him again. In my excitement at having run into him so unexpectedly, I had

forgotten to take his address.

4. Many years later, I included this magician as a character in a short story

5. Later, I bought quite a few books on magic and practiced sleight of hand, standing before a


C. 1. Magic breaks all walls of reality and brings the audience into a world of infinite possibility. It

transforms illusions to reality. Similarly, a film also calls us completely into its world and we are

transported to a make-believe world of colorful sights and sounds. Both magic and cinema

require skill and storytelling and both offer an escape from our routine life. Both of them

entertain adults and children alike. Ray was a creative person at heart who enjoyed telling

stories with moving

images and entertaining people. So he graduated from magic to film making.

2. As a child, Satyajit Ray had many hobbies like writing, composing songs, painting,

filmmaking, magic and so on. These helped him as a filmmaker as films are a creative union of

stories, images, skill and songs. If a filmmaker is good at these things and has pursued them as

Ray had, they can connect with their audiences and make great films. That was what Satyajit

Ray did. His films were greatly appreciated by audiences and critics alike and he won many

prestigious awards.

Appreciating the Text

1. c. It is about Ray’s childhood passions and interests.

In the text, Ray talks about his fascination for the stereoscope, the magic lantern and also

magic and magicians. He is impressed by all the gadgets and skills used to entertain people

and all these help him to become an outstanding filmmaker.

2. ● They record the personal experiences and thoughts of a person.

Who knows, perhaps my passion for films began with these magic lanterns?

Answered by sainasharma10

His smile is so so so....cute....♥️♥️♥️


But when he look sad then I think where is the smile of our BANGTAN world lost !


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