Hindi, asked by sunita2296, 1 year ago

जिवनी विष्णुकुमारी वाइबा (नेपाली​)


Answered by manangothwal0

इसके बारे में आपको क्या वर्णन चाहिए??

Answered by Anonymous



परिजीत एउटा नेपाली लेखक हुनुहुन्थ्यो। उनका असली नाम विष्णु कुमारी वैबा हो। तर उनले आफ्नो परिजीत नाम लिएर नै आफ्नो कविताहरू लेख्नु हुन्थ्यो। सीरीज को फूल उनका सबसे भंदा चलेको किताब थियो। यो किताब अरु भाषाहरूमा पनि छापिएको छ।


Parijat was a Nepali writer. Her real name was Bishnu Kumari Waiba (waiba is a subgroup of Tamang) but she wrote under the pen name Parijat (Parijat is night-flowering fragrant jasmine flower). Her most acclaimed publication is Siris Ko Phul (The Blue Mimosa), which has also been adapted in the literature curriculum of some colleges in some English-speaking countries.

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