Jack Dorsey founded which social network in March 2006
- Jack Dorsey founded Twitter in March 2006.
- Jack Dorsey is an entrepreneur and a computer programmer
- He is the CEO of twitter and SQUARE.
- Twitter is a micro blogging and social network service through which different people from different regions interact.
- They convey their messages through tweets and they are limited to certain characters.
- Twitter is a globally used app, most famous among youngster to convey their thoughts.
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Who is the CEO of Twitter? ??
Jack Dorsey founded Twitter in March 2006
“Jack Dorsey” is an entrepreneur and a computer programmer. He found Twitter in March 2006. He is the CEO of twitter and SQUARE, which is a mobile payments company.
Twitter is a social networking site and a microblogging site. Users interact with each other by posting messages which are known as “tweets”. Users can have followers and the messages one writes are for his/her users. One cannot follow another without having twitter account. It is most used and famous social networking site in the current age.
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