Economy, asked by tanvichoudhary, 10 months ago

jack was chairman and CEO of general electric between the year 1991 to 2001 during his tenure at GE the company value rose 400% when the retired from GE he received a sererance payment of 417 million dollar the largest such payment in history. he once remarked if you pick the right people and give then opportunity to spread their wings and put compensations as a carrier behind it, you almost do not have to manage them in the above context answers the following 1) identifly the style of leadership he is referring to 2) state any three features of such style of leadership, as identifield in point 1​


Answered by Nishika20


Welch's business acumen and result-oriented management style helped GE become a global conglomerate. Under his leadership as chairman and chief executive officer, from 1981 to 2001, the market value of GE increased from $14 billion to $410 billion.

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Answered by priyaag2102

Laissez-faire is the style of leadership he is referring to.


  • Laissez-faire leadership also referred to as delegative leadership, is a kind of leadership style in which leaders are detached and permit group members to make the decisions.  

  • Three features of the laissez-faire leadership style are:

  • 1. There is little guidance from leaders to the employees.

  • 2. Employees have the capability to make decisions for the organization.

  • 3. Employees are expected to resolve their own problems.
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