Jainism and Buddhism grew differently in india. Justify this statement.
Indian philosophical and religious thought can be classified into Brahmanik and Shramanik traditions. Brahmanik tradition traces its origin to the Vedas. Vedas are revealed texts and are inviolable. Sramanik traditions do not believe in the authority of the Vedas.
Buddhism and Jainism belong to the Sramanik tradition. There were many other Sramanik traditions called Aajivkaas which either vanished with the passage of time or, like Sankhya-yoga, merged themselves into the Brahmanik tradition.
Buddhism and Jainism originated and flourished in India almost at the same time under the patronage of powerful emperors of the time. Buddhism enjoyed the patronage of Asoka (third century BC) and Kanishka (first century AD) who spread it across their empire and helped it spread outside India, especially its border states.