JAM(just a minute speech) on Heal the earth
Healing Earth takes the approach that certain basic goods are needed for the well-being of human beings, the natural world, and human society.
there are many ways to heal the earth :
Insulate your home.
Buy energy-efficient appliances.
Caulk and weatherstrip doors and windows.
Install storm windows.
Close off unused areas in your home from heat and air conditioning.
Healing the Earth, our Mother, is something that is more urgent than ever and, hopefully, it is not too late. ... The same has been done with the Earth's resources, whether it be wood, minerals, etc. and in the pursuit of profit from those sources entire areas have been clear felled and otherwise destroyed and/or poisoned.
30 ways to heal our earth.
1. Insulate your home.
2. Buy energy-efficient appliances.
3. Caulk and weatherstrip doors and windows.
4. Install storm windows.
5. Close off unused areas in your home from heat and air conditioning.
6. Wear warm clothing and turn down winter heat.
7. Switch to low-wattage or fluorescent light bulbs.
8. Turn off all lights that don’t need to be on.
9. Use cold water instead of hot whenever possible.
10. Opt for small-oven or stove-top cooking when preparing small meals.
11. Run dishwashers only when full.
12. Set refrigerators to 38°F, freezers to 5°F, no colder.
13. Run clothes washers full, but don’t overload them.
14. Use moderate amounts of biodegradable detergent.
15. Air-dry your laundry when possible.
16. Clean the lint screen in clothes dryers.
17. Instead of ironing, hang clothes in the bathroom while showering.
18. Take quick showers instead of baths.
19. Install water-efficient showerheads and sink-faucet aerators.
20. Install an air-assisted or composting toilet.
Collect rainwater and graywater for gardening use.
22. Insulate your water heater. Turn it down to 121°F.
23. Plant deciduous shade trees that protect windows from summer sun but allow it in during the winter.
24. Explore getting a solar water heater for your home.
25. Learn how to recycle all your household goods, from clothing to motor oil to appliances.
26. Start separating out your newspaper, other paper, glass, aluminum, and food wastes.
27. Encourage your local recycling center or program to start accepting plastic.
28. Urge local officials to begin roadside pickup of recyclables and hazardous wastes.
29. Encourage friends, neighbors, businesses, local organizations to recycle and sponsor recycling efforts.
30. Use recycled products, especially paper.