Computer Science, asked by kanupriya163, 3 months ago

Java program for class 9

write a class to input two integer and print square root of first number

hint- use math function- math.sqrt

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Answered by anagha1232


here goes your answer.


One of the most popular frequently asked Java Interview Question is, “Given an integer x, write a java program to find the square root of it”. There are many ways to solve this problem. In this article, let’s check out different ways to find square and square root in Java.

What is Square and Square Root?

How to Square a Number in Java

By multiplying the number by itself

Using the Math.pow function

How to Find Square Root of a Number in Java

Using java.lang.Math.sqrt() method

By using Math.pow() function

Without using any inbuilt functions

Before discussing the square root code in Java, let’s understand the term square root first.

Square and Square Root

The square of a number is that number times itself. In other terms, when we multiply an integer by itself we call the product the square of the number. Mathematically, the square of a number is given as,

Square of n = n*n

For example, the square of number 4 is 4*4 = 16

The square root is just the opposite of the square. The square root of a number, n, is the number that gives n when multiplied by itself. Mathematically, the square root of a number is given as,

Square Root of n = √n

Now that you know what square and square root of a number are, let’s see different ways to calculate them in Java.

How to Square a Number in Java

You can square a number in Java in two different ways:

Multiply the number by itself

Call the Math.pow function

Method1: Square a number by multiplying it by itself

Here’s a Java Program to square a number by multiplying it by itself.

package MyPackage;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Square1 {

public static void main(String args[]) {

Double num;

Scanner sc= new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Enter a number: ");


Double square = num*num;

System.out.println("Square of "+ num + " is: "+ square);




Enter a number: 10

Square of 10.0 is: 100.0

Method2: Square a number with the Math.pow method

Here’s a Java Program to call the Math.pow method to square a number.

package MyPackage;

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.lang.Math;

public class Square2 {

public static void main(String args[]) {

Double num;

Scanner sc= new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Enter a number: ");

num = sc.nextDouble();

Double square = Math.pow(num, 2);

System.out.println("Square of "+ num + " is: "+ square);




Enter a number: 22

Square of 22.0 is: 484.0

Now let’s check out how to calculate the square root of a number in Java.

How to Find Square Root of a Number in Java

There are multiple ways to find square root a given number in Java. Let’s explore a few of those.

Method1: Java Program to Find the square root of a Number using java.lang.Math.sqrt() method


public static double sqrt(double x)

Parameter: x is the value whose square root is to be returned.

Return: This method returns the square root value of the argument passed to it.

If parameter x is positive double value, this method will return the square root of x

When x is NaN or less than zero, this method will return NaN

If parameter x is positive infinity, this method will return positive Infinity

When x is positive or negative zero, this method will return the result as Zero with the same sign


package MyPackage;

public class SquareRoot2 {

public static void main(String args[])


double a = 100;


// Input positive value, Output square root of x

double b = -81.00;


// Input negative value, Output NaN

double c = 0.0/0;

// Input NaN, Output NaN


double d = 1.0/0;

// Input positive infinity, Output positive infinity


double e = 0.0;

// Input positive Zero, Output positive zero




Answered by Anonymous


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