English, asked by bhumijaisinghani2008, 7 months ago

JKINS. Spiueis uo not have specific insects, which they pray on. They kill and
whatever insects are available, though they do not usually prey on the large one
There are two main groups of spiders: the weaving spiders and the hunting spic
These two groups differ in various ways. The weavers have bigger spinnerets (th
parts of the body from which the silk come out) and their legs are generally m
longer with special claws at the end. The hunting spiders( which do not spin we
have smaller spinnerets and strong thicker legs. They have better eye sight than
weavers but the weavers sense of touch is more developed and they are more hig
evolved than the hunters.
The weavers do not take the trouble to hunt their prey, instead they set a trap and w
for the prey to get caught in it. This trap is of course the web, which is made from t
spiders silk. The silk is produced in glands at the back half of the body and pushed
through jets or nozzles called Spinnerets. These can be moved in any direction a
they also control the quantity of silk that comes out as liquid when it comes out a
hardens when it meets the air, though it remains sticky. This is very important for t
spider, since the stickiness helps to prevent his prey from escaping. The spider itse
however, can run across the web, because it has a kind for oil on its feed, which do
not stick to the web. write summary on it​


Answered by chinnukumbar02


sorry I didn't know about this

Answered by Apoorva8207


iss this a question or else you sent whole chapter??????


please mark as brainliest answer........... and thank my answers......

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