justified 2123 formula for human dentition
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Answer :-
☆The dental formula of an adult man is 2123/2123 :-
- The total number of teeth in an adult human is "32".
- The upper jaw and lower jaw, both consist of the same number of teeth i.e. 16 each.
- The dental formula of an adult human is 2123/2123 because, an adult human has "2 pairs of Incisors", "1 pair of Canines", "2 pairs of Premolars" and "3 pairs of Molars" in each jaw.
Extra Information :-
- Milk dentition formula of a baby is 2102/2102.
- Teeth not present in the the milk dentition are "Premolars".
- In man, 20 teeth are "Diphyodont" i.e. grow twice in life.
- In man, 12 teeth are "Monophyodont" i.e. grow only once in life.
- Premolars are "Monophyodonts".
- The third molars appear very late.
- The third molars are also known as "Wisdom teeth".
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