कालिदास वास ए ग्रेट Shakespeare
The period of Kalidasa was linked and was supposed to be linked to the reign of one Vikramaditya. But the question arose which king, as most of the kings were titled Vikramaditya like Chandragupta II and Skandagupta. It was also argued that Kalidasa lived in first century B.C. during the period of another Vikramaditya of Ujjain but now it is generally accepted that Kalidasa’s period falls between 5th and 6th century CE. His name along with Bharavi’s name is mentioned in a stone inscription dated 634 CE found at Alhole located in present day Karnataka.
Wilson believes Kalidasa to have been one of those “nine gems” which adorned King Vikramaditya’s court when Vikramaditya reigned at Ujjayini in Central India; this warlike Vikramaditya who defeated the hordes of Scythians, and inaugurated the glorious Vikram era. But Bhan Dhaji and many others it seems argue that it was not under this king that Kalidasa had penned his Sanskrit masterpieces and, they bring strong evidence to prove that his time was during the reign of Chandragupta II, or even of Harshavardhana both of whom bore the title of ‘Vikramaditya’.
hope this is helpful for you