Biology, asked by virendaryadavvirenda, 10 months ago

कंपोनेंट्स ऑफ बैक्टीरियल सेल​


Answered by msharma32013


The following points highlight the seven important components of bacterial cell. The components are: 1. Cell Envelope 2. Cytoplasm 3. Nucleoid 4. Plasmids 5. Inclusion Bodies 6. Flagella 7. Pili and Fimbriae.

Bacterial Cell: Component # 1. Cell Envelope:

It is the outer covering of protoplasm of bacterial cell. Cell envelope consists of 3 components— glycocalyx, cell wall and cell membrane.

(i) Glycocalyx (Mucilage Sheath):

ADVERTISEMENTS:It is the outermost mucilage layer of the cell envelope which consists of non-cellulosic polysaccharides with or without proteins. Glycocalyx may occur in the form of loose sheath when it is called slime layer. If thick and tough, the mucilage covering is called capsule. Glycocalyx gives sticky character to the cell. It is not absolutely essential for survival of bacteria.

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