Keeping 7 in the units place, use all the digits 6, 0, 7, 5, 4
numbers. Write the numbers.
Answer with explanation:
Total number of Digits =6, 0, 7, 5, 4=5 in number
We have to make a five digit number by keeping ,7 in the unit Place.
We can't keep , 0 at Thousand place.
⇒So,total number of Numbers , if the repetition of digits is allowed applying the above condition
=Unit Place can be arranged in one way × Tenth Place can be arranged in four ways × Hundred Place can also be arranged in four way×Thousand Place can also be arranged in four way × Ten thousand place can be arranged in Three ways
= 3×4×4×4×1
= 192 Numbers
⇒Also, total number of Numbers , if the repetition of digits is not allowed applying the above condition
= Ten thousand place can be arranged in Three ways(Can't Keep 0 at this place)×Thousand Place can also be arranged in Three ways × Hundred Place can also be arranged in two ways× Tenth Place can be arranged in one way×Unit Place can be arranged in one way
=54 numbers