keywords are also known as
word of identification
Keywords are also known as Reserved words.
Reserved words are another name for keywords. In a language, keywords have a specific meaning and are a component of the syntax. Words that are reserved by the language are those that cannot be used as identifiers (for variables, functions, etc.). In reality, reserved words are more common than keywords. In most modern languages, keywords are a subset of reserved words because this facilitates parsing because keywords cannot be confused with identifiers. However, reserved words and keywords need not be the same in general.
In most modern languages, keywords are a subset of reserved words because this facilitates parsing because keywords cannot be confused with identifiers. However, reserved words and keywords need not be the same in general.
Keyword- a word with particular significance in a given context. The definition is semantic. Reserved words, such as variable and function names, are words that cannot be used as identifiers. Its definition is syntactic. E.g. All keywords in Java are reserved words.