Biology, asked by mayurkamthe1313, 7 months ago

Kidney : A pair of .......... shaped kidneys are
present on either side of .......... from 12th thoracic
to 3rd Lumbar vertebra. Kidneys are present be-
hind ................ Hence are called Retroperitoneal.
Dimensions of each kidney are 10 x ......... X .........
cms. Average weight is ............ g in males and
135 g in .............. Outer surface is ............. and
inner is concave. Notch on the inner concave sur-
face is called .......... Renal artery enters and renal
vein as well as ureter leave the kidney through hi-
lus. Each kidney has almost 1 million functional
units called.......... fill the blanks​


Answered by Jha01


Here is the answer:-

• bean

• spine

• peritoneum

• 6.25 X 4.7 cm.

• 152

• females

• convex

• hilum

• nephrons

I hope it helps.

Thank you.

Answered by Anonymous

Heya mate !!

  1. bean
  2. Vertebral column
  3. peritonium
  4. 10x7x3
  5. 130
  6. females
  7. convex
  8. hilum
  9. nephron or uriniferous tubules


hope this helped

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