English, asked by timung9681, 1 year ago

Kindness is the greatest virtue in the world.


Answered by AbhinavRajShukla
Kindness is certainly part of the nature of God, as the biblical Book of Psalms refers to God's kindness more than 80 times. Kindness is not a duty or an ethic either; it is an expression of personal virtue that flows from and is rooted in love, which is at the heart of all virtue. Kindness begins in the heart. In fact, many languages have words that are translated as 'loving-kindness' or 'kind-heartedness,' which is kindness that goes beyond the minimum requirements of civility. Kindness is really more than being nice, polite or agreeable, but instead has more to do with our being than our behavior. It cannot be faked.

Kindness softens hearts, lifts spirits and molds relationships. The value of our lives is best measured not by the material possessions we've acquired, but by the hearts we've touched, because who we are is far more important than what we have. Everything we do affects not only our own life, but touches other lives, too.

When you put some kindness into the world, you'll like what the world gives back. Small acts of kindness have created many ripples and have probably done more good for the world than all the religious zeal, eloquent words or education of the masses combined.

The virtue of kindness is part of a growing process. We don't just get up one morning and say, 'Beginning today, I'm going to be kind.'

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