English, asked by balagoudapatil010, 10 months ago

King Solomon very wise - two mothers come to him - they carry two babies -one living, the other dead - both mothers claim living baby - cach says dead baby belongs to the other king has to decide who is the mother of living baby women seek justice - Solomon thinks and gives decision--cut living baby into two - give one piece to each mother - one woman agrees - the other cries bitterly-says don't cut the baby - let the other woman have the baby'- Soloman smiles-says that woman is the real mother gives her the living baby.expand the outline into a full story​


Answered by ParkChaeYoung


Long long ago, there lived a King named Solomon. He was very wise and was famous for his intelligence. Once in his court, two women arrived claiming to be the mother of a child. Solomon used his shrewdness and revealed their true feelings by suggesting to cut the baby into two pieces such that each gets the half of it. The first woman agreed with king's decision and told the him to cut the child in two pieces, but on the other hand, the real mother, refused to cut the child and agreed to give the baby to the other woman. Solomon understood who the baby's real mother was. He gave the child to the real mother and punished the other woman who pretended to be the real mother.

Hope my answer helped you! Mark it as the BRAINLIEST!

Have a nice day or night~

Answered by pradhantula64

Solo man _ wise kimg two women_ fighting _ both

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