Kumhar aur mitti ka kya samband hai ?
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kumahar aur mitti ka samband bhut purana hai
jaise ek Student with his teacher
as teacher guide their children also prepare them for their progress
as a kumahar prepare pot in such a way also give a better shape
so that The water easily stay in it......The quality of pot is also increase
jaise ek Student with his teacher
as teacher guide their children also prepare them for their progress
as a kumahar prepare pot in such a way also give a better shape
so that The water easily stay in it......The quality of pot is also increase
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कुम्हार बड़े ही परिश्रम से मिट्टी खोजता है | फिर उसे मुलायम बनाता है ताकि वो उससे अपनी आम दनी ला सके | जो मिट्टी ज्यादा अच्छी रहती है वो उसे भगवन की मूर्ति बना देता है | और जो थोड़ी कठोर रहती है उसे वो दिया ,मटका आदि बनाता है .........कुम्हार न रहे तो मिट्टी का अस्तित्व बस धूल के समान ही रह जाएगा और कुम्हार चाहे तो उस मिट्टी की मूर्ति बना कर उसकी पूजा भी करवा सकता है .......
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