Hindi, asked by Bivel, 6 months ago

) लोकतंत्र का मूल तत्व नहीं है
j) लोक-मंगल के प्रति उपेक्षा
ii) लोक-निष्ठा की अपेक्षा
iii) लोक-सम्पर्क की इच्छा
iv) लोक के सुख-दुख की अनुभूति​


Answered by sriram2792


) Is not a fundamental element of democracy

) Is not a fundamental element of democracy j) disregard for public good

) Is not a fundamental element of democracy j) disregard for public good ii) Expectation of public loyalty

) Is not a fundamental element of democracy j) disregard for public good ii) Expectation of public loyalty iii) Public Relations Desire

) Is not a fundamental element of democracy j) disregard for public good ii) Expectation of public loyalty iii) Public Relations Desire iv) Feelings of happiness and misery of the people

Answered by sainisonia829


लोक-मंगल के प्रति उपेक्षा


लोक-मंगल के प्रति उपेक्षा

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