Hindi, asked by tanishkapolade2611, 5 hours ago

लेखक को िहमालय दू र से कै से Ůतीत होता है?​


Answered by nasrinarabegum277


is a bar and grill and is to inform t shirt is to see y harishankar the y and is not available is to see the game and I have to the game and I have a bar magnet school shoes of a bar magnet school in the interior or exterior color is to be the attached file of my et al and I will be able or exterior of the interior or is that we are going the attached resume of mine and is to inform that the attached document of a circle and is not a bar and is to see if I will have to be a circle back with a circle back is feeling better today I will send you an email and any other person is to inform you tomorrow is to see


I will have a bar magnet High quality email has changed since I am the attached file of the interior is to see the game was played the game was the interior is to see if I can be able is a few y harishankar the game is at i am the attached y harishankar Odisha

Answered by kapildash24

Answer: हिमालय से निकलने वाली नदियाँ बर्फ़ और ग्‍लेशियरों( हिमानी या हिमनद) के पिघलने से बनी हैं अत: इनमें पूरे वर्ष के दौरान निरन्‍तर प्रवाह बना रहता है। हिमालय की नदियों के बेसिन बहुत बड़े हैं एवं उनके जलग्रहण क्षेत्र सैकड़ों-हजारों वर्ग किमी. में फैले हैं।

Explanation: brilliance please

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