label the ABC And D in above diagram and write the function of organelles A and B
Answer :-
A - Mitochondria
B - Rough endoplasmic reticulum
C - Golgi body
D - Lysosome
Functions :-
Mitochondria :- It is known as the powerhouse of the cell. It breaks down the nutrients and generates ATP molecule as energy for the cell. Mitochondria helps in growth of new cells and cell multiplication.
Rough endoplasmic reticulum :- It has particles called ribosomes attached to its surface which synthesizes proteins.
Golgi body :- The materials which are synthesized by endoplasmic reticulum, are sent to the Golgi body. The Golgi body combines the simpler molecules and forms bigger molecules. Later, it packages them in vesicle or stores them for later use.
Lysosome :- They are the waste bags of the cell. They keep the cell clean by digesting the foreign materials and damaged parts of the cell.
Labels of A,B,C,D In the diagram attached are:-
B=Endoplasmic Reticulum
C=Golgi Complex
These all are the organelles of a Animal cell.
•Mitochondria:- The function of of Mitochondria is for cellular respiration and they also help in generation of energy for the different activities of the life.For this they are also called the powerhouse of the cell.
They are present in a large number that are occupied in the different psychological activities of the cell.
•Endoplasmic Reticulum:- They are the network of membranes in the cell.They provide channels to transport materials in a Cell.
They are divided into two parts,that are
- Rough ER
- Smooth ER
⟿The rough ER has rough appearance and they play an important role in synthesis of proteins.
⟿The smooth ER on the other side play important role in synthesising fats.
•Golgi Complex:- There appearance is like sac that are stacked one above other. They are elaborated in the processing and packaging of materials by the cell.
•Lysosomes:- They helps in the process of breaking down of food in the cell.They contains digestive enzymes that helps in destroying harmful bacterias.