Last Sunday Girish’s mother, Priyanka was preparing the dinner in her kitchen for Girish and his father. Both of them were feeling so much hungry and they sat ideally on their respective chairs and having empty plates and spoons on their dinning table.Girish’s mother served the cooked food to both of them and the moment, when Girish was just about to eat the rice with the help of spoon, he noticed that the spoon has such a shining surface that it reflected the light rays incident on it.
(a) Explain the importance of shining surface in the reflection of light.
(b) Name the two types of spherical mirrors represented by the shining steel spoon.
Answered by
(a) The shining surface absorbs very less light and reflects most of the light. Hence, reflection easily takes place.
(b) The inner surface of the spoon acts as a concave mirror and the outer surface of the spoon
acts as a convex mirror.
hope it helps
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