Laura is 12 meters from a meat count, while her dog Astro is 30 m. The dog smells and launches at 18 km / h. a) How fast should Laura run to save the package? b) If Laura went at a speed of 4 m / s how many meters away from the food would the dog be in the instant when the girl saves the pack?
Dogs can be trained to be cancer-sniffing wizards, using their sensitive noses to detect cancerous fumes wafting from diseased cells. This sniffing is noninvasive and could help diagnose countless people, which begs the question: If these pups are so olfactorily astute, why aren't they screening people for cancer right now?
Here's the short answer: Dogs do well in engaging situations, such as helping law enforcement track scents or guiding search-and-rescue teams in disaster areas. But sniffing thousands of samples in which only a handful may be cancerous is challenging work with little positive reinforcement.
Moreover, it takes time and energy to train these pups, who, despite extensive preparation, still might miss a diagnosis if they're having a bad day, experts told Live Science. [20 Weird Dog and Cat Behaviors Explained by Science]
But that's not to say that dogs can't be helpful in the development of manmade screening tools that "smell" cancer. It's known that cancerous cells emit unique odors, but scientists have yet to identify the specific compounds responsible for these scents.
One way dogs might be able to help pinpoint cancer-specific odors is to give the dogs certain cancerous samples to sniff, and then slowly remove compounds from the sample. If the dog stops responding to the sample after several components are removed, "then you know you've taken out that component of the mixture that is specific to the cancer," said Dr. Hilary Brodie, a professor in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of California, Davis. Researchers could then analyze these individual components and develop biochemical tests that could reliably screen patients, he said.
"There's lots that the dogs can do, but I don't think wholesale screening of the population is where it's heading," Brodie told Live Science.
Sharp smell
In 1989, the British journal The Lancet published the first dog-sniffing-out-cancer report. In a letter to the editor, two dermatologists described how a dog reportedly spent several minutes each day sniffing a colored lesion on its owner's thigh, and even tried to bite off the spot when she wore shorts. Concerned, the woman had doctors inspect the lesion, which turned out to be a malignant melanoma.