LCM of two number is 225 and HCF is 30 . If one number is 25 , find the other number ?
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LCM of two number is 225 and HCF is 30 . If one number is 25 , find the other number ?
✓The product of the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of any two numbers is always equal to the product of those two numbers.
As per the above statement, we can proceed in the Question as follows :-
HCF×LCM = 25 × x
225 × 30 = 25 × x
x =
x =
x = 270
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Given, LCM = 225
HCF = 45
Let the numbers be "a" and "b"
Thus, "a" = 25
"b" = x
We know that products of two numbers (say a and b) = HCF × LCM of those numbers
Therefore, 25 × x= 45 × 225
25x= 10125
x= 10125/25
x= 405
Hence, the required number is 405.
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