English, asked by shyamligupta2344, 2 months ago

learn following names for animals groups


Answered by nikhilpandit8624


Collective names for groups of animals are said to date back to medieval times, which may explain why some of these names can be strange, surprising or downright funny to us, such as an unkindness of ravens. In the spirit of the fanciful language used by our ancestors, more modern terms for animal groups can have a fun twist, like a crash of rhinoceroses.


Collective Names for Animals

We've gathered together a list of 60 groups of animals and their collective nouns - some animal groups can have more than one collective noun - that you may or may not have heard of. Whenever animals gather in groups, they are formally called:

Apes: a shrewdnessBadgers: a ceteBats: a colony, cloud or campBears: a sloth or sleuthBees: a swarmBuffalo: a gang or obstinacyCamels: a caravanCats: a clowder or glaring; Kittens: a litter or kindle; Wild cats: a destructionCobras: a quiverCrocodiles: a baskCrows: a murderDogs: a pack; Puppies: a litterDonkeys: a droveEagles: a convocationElephants: a paradeElk: a gang or a herdFalcons: a castFerrets: a businessFish: a schoolFlamingos: a standFoxes: a skulk or leashFrogs: an armyGeese: a gaggleGiraffes: a towerGorillas: a bandHippopotami: a bloatHyenas: a cackleJaguars: a shadowJellyfish: a smackKangaroos: a troop or mobLemurs: a conspiracyLeopards: a leapLions: a prideMoles: a laborMonkeys: a barrel or troopMules: a packOtters: a familyOxen: a team or yokeOwls: a parliamentParrots: a pandemoniumPigs: a drift or drove (younger pigs), or a sounder or team (older pigs)Porcupines: a prickleRabbits: a herdRats: a colonyRavens: an unkindnessRhinoceroses: a crashShark: a shiverSkunk: a stenchSnakes: a nestSquirrels: a dray or scurryStingrays: a feverSwans: a bevy or game (if in flight: a wedge)Tigers: an ambush or streakToads: a knotTurkeys: a gang or rafterTurtles: a bale or nestWeasels: a colony, gang or packWhales: a pod, school, or gamWolves: a packZebras: a zeal

To expand your vocabulary even more, YourDictionary can help you learn some animal names in Spanish.

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