Learning Task 5: This activity will find out the health status of your family.From the previous activity about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, Choose five
(5) questions for you to analyze and identify the status of your family health.
List down the answer of each of the family members. Write all their answers
did you
in your notebook.
Healthy Lifestyle Case Study at Home
1. What influences a person's family health?
2. What would you change in your life to make yourself healthier?
3. How will you make your sleep tight and healthy?
4. Is smoking a healthy habit? Why?
5. What kind of physical activities should we do to improve our health?
6. How often an answer was mentioned by a family member?
7. What answers are the least mentioned? What are the most mentioned
8. What can you infer from the responses in each question?
9. Give the summary of your findings and conclusions.
1) Things that influence a person's family health is:
a. Diet
b. Sunlight entering the house
c. Physical activity
d. General health
2) I would suggest a lighter meal at dinner with only vegan products involved.
This helps digestion and general gut health, which directly makes the way of life better.
3)To improve sleep, I'd suggest turning off electronic devices 2 hours before sleep.
4)Smoking is not a healthy habit, since it contains millions of carcinogens and nicotine that harm our body in a multitude of ways.
5)Any kind of sport will improve the activity level. Even running, jogging, swimming, and cycling can boost your physical activity level.
6) 3 times
7) number 5
8) I realized that everyone cares about their health, but don't act on it.
9)From the above activity, I realized that my family sleeps for really less time. This mainly happens due to the occupational timing of my parents.