Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with Vaseline to block the stomata. will this plant remain healthy for long time? state three reasons for your answer.
All green plants synthesize their food through the process of photosynthesis and water is an essential component required by the leaves for photosynthesis. Xylems carry water from the roots to the other parts of the plant. Leaves play a vital role in this biological process and stem transports the prepared food to different parts of the plant. Root system plays a significant role in the plant’s survival as they help in transferring water and other minerals. Hence, various parts of plants help in carrying out daily life processes.
If the leaves are coated with Vaseline to block stomata, so the healthy plant won't remain healthy for long. It is because of three reasons:
1) Due to blockage of stomata the plant is unable to take in carbon dioxide.
2) The plant is unable to prepare food due to lack of carbon dioxide.
3) The plant might die due to no exchange of gases.
Hope it helps..