Let's Read Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it. A man who develops the habit of reading books is always hap because books are the source of enjoyment, inspiration and instruction In the company of books nobody feels lonely. He always has a pleasan occupation of leisure moments. This is a possession more precious tha gold. It is because of this that Ruskin calls books King's Treasures Treasures filled not with gold and silver but with knowledge, nobl thoughts and ideas. It has rightly been said, “Good books are like fas friends.” Those who do not read books are really poor, because they possess only the worldly wealth but not the wealth of knowledge However, it is important that one should acquire the habit of reading at young age. Questions: 1. Why is a book reader always happy? 2. give a suitable title to the passage?
2.An Enjoyable moments .1.Book reader always happy because if he reads the book he can't feel lonely.
A man who develops the habit of reading books is always happy because books are a source of enjoyment, inspiration, and instruction.
In the company of books, nobody feels lonely and one always has a pleasant occupation for leisure moments. Reading books is a possession more precious than gold, as it provides knowledge, noble thoughts, and ideas.
Good books are like fast friends that one can always turn to for guidance and company. Those who do not read books are poor, as they possess only worldly wealth, but not the wealth of knowledge.
A suitable title for this passage could be "The Importance of Reading Books for Happiness and Knowledge." The passage emphasizes the joy and inspiration that comes with reading books, as well as the importance of acquiring knowledge through books. It highlights the value of books as treasures that provide one with nobility of thought and ideas, and how they are a source of comfort and companionship in moments of solitude.
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