letter for converting joint account as single account
Branch Manager,
Bank/Institute Name…
Bank/Institute Address…
Sub: Joint Account Change in Single Account
It is stated that my ex-wife and I shared a joint account at your bank for 2/3/4/5 years. Now that we are divorced and I would like you to kindly process my bank account and change its sharing status from “Joint” to “Single”. (show your actual problem and situation). Moreover, I would like you to kindly take all the authorizations and accesses back from my ex-wife and hand them back to me as I’m the sole and the righteous owner of the bank account.
My bank account number is (000-111-222-333). Not a real bank account
Kindly process my query as soon as you can and notify me with a confirmation letter on the same address.
Thanking you,
Customer name (your name)…
Contact no. and Signature…