letter to the editor
Letter to editor :
Format :-
[Sender's house no.]
[Sender's Society's Name]
[Sender's City]
The Editor
[Newspaper's name]
[City's name where the headquarters of newspaper are]
Respected Sir,
Subject : [Subject of the letter]
Yours Sincerely / Truly.
[Sender's name]
Example :-
Question :- The condition of the public parks in your locality is miserable and it is used by some mischievous people. Write a letter to the Editor of local newspaper expressing your concern about it . You live At A-15 Model Town, New Delhi.
Answer :-
Model Town
New Delhi
20 September , 2019
The Editor
The Tribune
New Delhi
Respected Sir,
Subject —> Miserable condition of public parks in our locality.
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw your attention towards the problem of miserable condition of public parks in our locality.
There are three public parks in our locality but you will be sad that all are poorly managed. Boundary walls are broken, due to that stray animals are able to enter there. There are heaps of garbage everywhere and stray animals are making the situation worst. There are no arrangements of guards, some mischievous people are misusing it. Parks have become a place of Antisocial Activities. Children playing there may have wrong portrayal on their minds. People are scared to go there. Many complaints have been diled for it, but no action has been taken.
I hope my views will find suitable place in your newspaper and will help to aware the concerned authorities to take some action.
Yours Sincerely,
Shreya Thakur.
Format :-
Sender's address
Receiver's address
Content (2-3 paragraphs)
Example :-
Question :- Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper appealing for help for the victims of flood in South India.
Answer :-
30 Shantinagar,
New housing society,
8 January, 2020
The Editor,
The Times of India,
Respected Sir/Ma'am,
Subject :- An appeal for helping flood victim in South India.
I am a daily reader of your newspaper. Through the column of you newspaper, I wanted to draw attention of the people of Bhopal about the flood victim of South India.
I am a member of people welfare NGO. I am working for all those people who are being victim in this worst situation. The same situation is going in the areas of South India. People are fighting to save their lives from flood. Situation is overall worst, more than 500 families are separated and more than hundred and hospitalised. We are working for there welfare by providing food and Healthcare facilities. We are facing scarcity of money and food. So this is a message to the people of Madhya Pradesh to please give donation to the flood victims. Even the doctors can volunteer in many areas.
I hope you would be the part of this good deed and help your Nation.
At last I would like to request you to print this message in a newspaper for general awareness of the people. It is one medium from which we could get help for flood victims. As your newspaper is most selling newspaper, I request you to please convey my message to people.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,