letter to the editor to coronavirus disease and suggesting measures control this problem
12/WD ,prem nagar
New delhi-14437
10,April 2020,
To the editor,
The Tribune,
New delhi-15252
subject:-letter to editor for covid 19 disease measures of control
Respected sir,
Does coronavirus really merit our actions?
I really don’t know how serious the coronavirus is as a health threat to people. Is it more serious than the various flu viruses? Or are the measures we are taking to limit its spread more damaging than the disease?
I am reminded of an ancient saying, “It’s not man’s diseases that kill him, it’s his medicines.” From everything that I have read and heard, we really don’t know how serious this could get, because there is not enough data to support any conclusions. Or are the medical people and the government keeping the information from us? We have survived bird flu, swine flu and SARS. In the Middle Ages we survived the bubonic plague. We will survive the coronavirus.
Our presidential candidates are using this pandemic to tout their candidacies; Biden says he would deploy the military to aid in recovery efforts. I don’t know what this is going to accomplish, unless he would declare martial law. Sanders is using it to pitch his dream of overhauling our health care system. This overhaul will still cost the same amount. Our politicians can’t seem to keep politics out of anything, so I am going to use this as an opportunity to once again pitch my pet peeve: our national debt.
thanking you
yours obidiently
hardeep singh
here is your answer
mark as brainliest