English, asked by amikeyaman, 11 months ago

letter to the editor :Used mask is being sell in market.​


Answered by rajita07


The recent outbreak of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infection early detected in December 2019 in Wuhan, China (Wang and Yu, 2020). The magnitude of infectious spread has affected more than 3.2million peoples causing 239K deaths, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. ...

... In the latest report, the total death caused by fever is 64.7% and 52.9% due to cough (Wang et al.). The role of flattering the curve via quarantine and preventing community spread by using a respiratory surgical mask or N95 mask have found significance in controlling the spread in previously published literature (Wang and Yu, 2020). The literature had shown evidence indicating the use of a surgical mask reduces the transmissibility per individual by preventing the droplets transmission in both laboratory and clinical contexts (Howarda et al., 2020). ...

... The World had seen unprecedented times before as well due to other epidemic health crises caused by Ebola, H1N1, SARS-CoV1, Zika Virus, and many others that have caused a drastic impact on the economy and social wellbeing. However, now since the exponential spread of COVID-19 globally has created a need for responses from governments due to heavy loss in GDP ranging from 3-6%, or even more depending on the country (Fernandes, Nuno, 2020) and economy predicted by the model developed by Wang et al. (2020). The section discusses the impact on the economy due to lockdown and subsequently discussion the need for a responsive framework from industrial, Citizen, and Government's viewpoint aiding to early lockdown policy formulation and strategy by Government and industries

Answered by priyadarshiniaruk8


This section provides a large resource of useful information on "grey areas" structured in the form of questions and answers. The answers given below are based on common and accepted best practices within the STM community and a broad consensus within Elsevier.

If you are dealing with a more complex case of misconduct to which you do not seem to find a solution and you have entered a difficult "grey-area", please refer to your publishing contact.

On policies

On plagiarism

On duplicate publications

On authorship complaints

On editor's and publishing contact's tasks

On policies

What's the first step to be taken in an investigation of misconduct and who should take the first step?

The first step is always to evaluate the allegation that is being made and attempt to understand clearly the type of ethics issue that is being alleged (fraud, authorship misidentification, plagiarism, etc). The next steps to be taken will depend on the circumstances and type of allegation, although there are always things in common (documentation, communication with the "allegedly wrong-doing" author, etc).

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