English, asked by rameshsurendher, 1 month ago

LEVEL 2 5. If cost of 2 kg of apples is 8240, then what is the cost of 250 grams? 1) 360 2) 50 3) 140 230 7. One cup of toned milk has 7.438 g of protein. One whole cup of skimmed milk has 8.354 g of protein. If Abhi drinks one and a half cups of each kind of milk, then how much protein will he take in ? 1) 1) 22.687 g 2) 22.688 g 3) 21.688 g 4) 23.688 g and 10 0-0 then hos 3. If 0-2 = 250 mL;​


Answered by karmhe


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