Biology, asked by omprakashdhruw0707, 10 months ago

Life cycle of aspergilus


Answered by Shädøwkïru


The life cycle of the filamentous ascomycete Aspergillus nidu- lans is marked by three important developmental events. Ger- mination of haploid, uninucleate conidia (spores) is followed by a period of multinucleate hyphal growth during which the mycelium acquires developmental competence (17, 18).

Answered by shobi86


The life cycle of the filamentous ascomycete Aspergillus nidu- lans is marked by three important developmental events. Ger- mination of haploid, uninucleate conidia (spores) is followed by a period of multinucleate hyphal growth during which the mycelium acquires developmental competence.

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