Biology, asked by hruthikreddynar8956, 1 year ago

Life pro life processes explain in detail


Answered by fatemaakterikrp0dkp6


An organism can be categorised to be alive by some basic processes. These basic essential activities performed by an organism to withstand its life are called as life processes.  There are seven life processes which state the condition of life. These include Nutrition, Respiration, Circulation, Excretion, Growth, Movement, Reproduction, Response to stimuli.  

Nutrition: It is the process by organism procures its food. Food makes the body grow faster, and gives energy to the body to help it perform the life activities. It is involves three steps namely, ingestion, digestion and egestion.

Respiration: It is the process which involves breakdown of simple nutrients into carbon dioxide and water to produce energy. It involves the process of breathing in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide. Oxygen is necessary to break up food and produce energy from it. Different animals possess different organs for respiration. Even plants respire but only in the night.  

Excretion: It is the process of eliminating wastes from the body through different organs of excretion.  Animals possess different organs for excretion. Plants eliminate harmful waste substances in the form of secretions such as resins and gums.

Movement: It is the process by which organism can move from one place to another in search of food, shelter and mate. Movement can also be exhibited by plants which stay at one place.  

Growth: Every living organism exhibits growth in its life time. Growth brings about many changes in the life span of an organism.  

Reproduction: It is the process by which all living things produce their offspring to perpetuate their species.  Some animals lay eggs, while others reproduce by giving birth to young ones. Plants produce seeds that can germinate into new plants. Some plants do not produce seeds but give rise to new plants in different ways.  

Response to stimuli: All living organisms exhibit response to stimulus from the environment.

Answered by Anonymous

Maintenance of living organism is essential even if they are moving, resting or even sleeping.

The processes which together perform the function of maintenance of ‘life’ are called as life processes.

Nutrition, respiration, circulation, excretion are examples of essential life processes.

In unicellular organisms, all these processes are carried out by that single cell.

In multicellular organisms, well-developed systems are present to carry out the processes.

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