Lipids such as fats serve as a stored form of energy and are required for various functions of the body. The body needs to digest and absorb the fats we consume so that it can accomplish these functions.
Arrange the steps of fat digestion and absorption in the correct order.
it is the arrangment of above question
Answer: 3-5-1-4-2-6
Fat is used as a storage form of energy. Digestion of fats is carried out using the enzyme lipase. It begins in the mouth with salivary lipase secreted by the salivary glands, which breaks down the fat molecules in ground food particles.
So the first step is "by mechanical digestion, the teeth crush the food and break it into smaller parts".
Then, food particles from the mouth enter the stomach, where gastric juices break down the fat.
Partially digested food from the stomach enters the small intestine.
Complete digestion of food takes place in the small intestine with the help of pancreatic lipase.
Completely digested food is then absorbed in the small intestine.
Absorbed food enters the circulatory system.
Then the lymphatic vessel absorbs the digested fat for further processing.