list and describe 3 non renewable energy sources
hi mate..
the non renewable energy sources are:-
Fossil fuels are energy resources that are composed of carbon and were formed millions of years ago from the remains of past life, hence the name 'fossil fuels.' There are three types of fossil fuels - oil, natural gas and coal.
Oil is the liquid fossil fuel and is often referred to as petroleum. Oil is found in the substance between rock layers or within rocks themselves. To retrieve the oil, a well is dug and the oil is pumped up to the surface.
Oil is used for everything from heating fuel to making plastic to the gasoline we put in our cars.
Natural gas is the gaseous form of fossil fuels. It is often found near oil deposits in the subsurface. It is lighter than air and composed mainly of methane, which is why it has no smell. Before natural gas can be used, a special additive is mixed in to give it an odor so it can be easily detected. Natural gas is also pumped to the surface, often via the same pump that is used to retrieve oil. Natural gas is mainly used for heating our homes.
Coal is the solid form of fossil fuels. Unlike oil and natural gas, coal forms from ancient, plant-filled swamps that have since been covered for millions of years by sediment. All this organic material, carbon, cooks for millions of years and eventually becomes coal.
hope it helps..
..........Here You Go Ur Answer............
✒Non-renewable energycomes from sources that will run out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes—or even in many, many lifetimes.
Most non-renewable energy sources are fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Carbon is the main element in fossil fuels.
Coal is a black or brownish rock. We burn coal to create energy. Coal is ranked depending on how much “carbonization” it has gone through. Carbonization is the process that ancient organisms undergo to become coal .
Petroleum is a liquid fossil fuel. It is also called oil or crude oil.
Petroleum is trapped by underground rock formations. In some places, oil bubbles right out of the ground. At the LaBrea Tar Pits, in Los Angeles, California, big pools of thick oil bubble up through the ground. Remains of animals that got trapped there thousands of years ago are still preserved in the tar!
Natural gas is another fossil fuel that is trapped underground in reservoirs. It is mostly made up of methane. You may have smelled methane before. The decomposing material in landfills also release methane, which smells like rotten eggs.
There is so much natural gas underground that it is measured in million, billion, or trillion cubic meters.
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