Social Sciences, asked by abhaysingh0493, 1 year ago

list any 5 powers and functions og prime minister of India​


Answered by zahrahannisa


Head of the Government – Though President is head of the state, Prime Minister is head of the government. All the decisions are taken in the name of President but with the aid and advice of Prime Minister and council of minister. Even regarding appointing other ministers he has to appoint according to PM’s recommendation.

Leader of Cabinet– It is Prime Minister who recommends President regarding their appointment, he allocates and reshuffles various portfolios among minister, he presides over the meeting of council of ministers and influences their decision, he can ask any member to resign or recommend President to remove any minister. Hence on death or resignation of Prime Minister entire council of minister tends to collapse

Link Between President and the Cabinet – Article 78 of constitution specify the duties of PM and in discharging them he acts as a link between President and cabinet. The following are the cases where he does so:

While communicating all the decisions of the council of ministers relating to administration of affairs of the union and proposals for legislation

When any decision taken by council of minister by not taking in to consideration any clauses of constitution or opinion of council then President can ask Prime minister to consider such issues

When President calls for any information regarding administration of the affairs of union or any such things

Leader of the Parliament– as a leader he determines the dates of its meetings and programmes for the session. He also decides when the house has to be prorogued or dissolved. As a chief spokesman he makes announcement of principal government policies and answers questions on then

Chief Spokesman in Foreign Relations– in international conferences it is he who speaks for the nation.

Leader of the party

Chairman of various commissions- on being PM he is de facto chairman of some of the commissions like planning commission, national development council, national integration council, inter-state councils, national water resources council.

Functions in Coalition Government


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