list examples of edible and poisnous mushrooms
some general features of edible mushroom-fungi,puffball, law fairy rings,button mushroom.
non edible mushroom-whitegills,ring rounded stem and red colour cap.
these are some features see in mushroom and identified.
Answer:Agaricus campestris (edible),
Answer:Agaricus campestris (edible),Amanita caesarea (edible),
Answer:Agaricus campestris (edible),Amanita caesarea (edible),Boletus edulis (edible),
Answer:Agaricus campestris (edible),Amanita caesarea (edible),Boletus edulis (edible),Chantharellus cibarius (edible
Explanation:Fungus (Mycetes, Mycota, Fungi) are eukaryotic heterotrophic organisms. The body is formed of many filamentary structures called hyphae which grouped together form mycelium. High fungus are known as makromycetes. These heterotrophic fungus organisms are not capable to produce organic substances from inorganic substances. With the help of systems consisting of enzymes that are contained in the fruiting body of the mushrooms, these may use substances from dead bodies and debris from plants and animals. The funguses which develop in dead bodies and debris are known as saprofage. The fungus that inhabit in living organisms are called parasites. These
parasiticfungicause diseases called mycoses. Toxic macromycetes cause poisoning with mushrooms or micetisms. Sometimes it is very difficult to put the boundary between those parasitic and saprophytic fungi. Very often among our population can be heard, mushrooms are the meat of our forests with high calorific value which can be the same or equated with the flesh''. Although the fresh (not dried) fungus and mushrooms with feet and hat, consist of 85-95% water, they have significant nutritional value. Until now are made many laboratory analysis of nutritional fungi, especially those that are economically important species such as: Agaricus bisporus, Lentinus edodes, Volvariella volvacea, Pleurotus ostreatus, Boletus edulis, Boletus aestivalis, Amanita caesarea, Amanita rubescens etc. According to Bauer-Petrovska (2000), when examining the various genus of macromycetes fungi in Macedonia, exist mushrooms that contain proteins with necessary qualities to human development
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