List four important features of each seasons given below(a) Cold Weather Season(i) ______________________ (ii) ________________________(iii) _____________________ (iv) ________________________(b) Hot Weather Season(i) ______________________ (ii) ________________________(iii) _____________________ (iv) ________________________(c) The Advancing Southwest Monsoon Season(i) ______________________ (ii) ________________________(iii) _____________________ (iv) ________________________(d) The Retreating Southwest Monsoon Season(i) ______________________ (ii) ________________________(iii) _____________________ (iv) ______________________
cold weather season:-
i) The cold weather season in India begins during mid November in Northern India and stays till February. December and January are the coldest months.
ii) During the cold season, the days are warm and nights are cold.
iii) When temperature decreases, frost is commonly experienced in Northern India
iv) The cold season in most parts of the country is the dry season as northeast trade winds blow from land to sea.
hot weather season:-
I) The season is marked by dry weather and excessive heat
ii) The sun shines directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer.
iii) The whole of tropical India, experiences very high temperature.
iv) The range of temperature is quite high in the interior parts of the country.
The advancing southwest monsoon season:-
i) The temperature remains less uniform throughout the rainy season.
ii) Sudden onset of South West Monsoons leads to significant fall in temperature [3° to 6°C].
iii) Low pressure conditions prevail over northwest India due to high temperature.
iv) The advance of the monsoon is much faster in the Bay of Bengal than in the Arabian Sea.
the retreating southwest monsoon season :-
(i) October and November are the months of retreating monsoon.
(ii) During this season low monsoon trough becomes weak and is replaced by high pressure. Thus, monsoon begins to retreat. By the beginning of October it retreats completely from Northern Plains.
(iii) This period is the period of transition from hot rainy season to cold winter season. It is marked by clear sky, moist ground and high temperatures giving birth to October Heat.
(iv) Low pressure trough shifts to Bay of Bengal. They give rise to cyclonic depressions which cause havoc on the eastern coasts-especially the coasts of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu with very strong storms and rains. The super cyclone of 1999 will remain in the memories of millions of people for over, who lost their near and dear ones along with their properties.