List of speech topics for school morning assembly?
Topics for Morning Assembly Speech
1. Character and success
2. Patience
3. Importance of Time Management
4. Try, try, and try again until you succeed
5. Never Ever Give Up
6. Hard work and success
7. Let’s save environment
8. Value of focus
9. Meditation and health
10. Health is wealth
11. Power of reading
12. Ethics and etiquette
13. Early to bed early to rise
14. Self-study
15. Self-discipline is the best discipline
Speech Topics for School Morning Assembly:
1. Discipline.
2. Time management.
3. How to treat success and failure equally, facing exams without fear.
4. Important health tips to follow for better living.
5. Inspirational and motivational thoughts.
6. Patience and perseverance.
7. Hard and smart work.
8. Synopsis of latest technological and scientific innovations.
9. Basic civic and social behaviours and discipline.
10. Reading out useful and interesting useful current affair news.
11. Humorous and lighter thoughts to begin the day with a smile.
12. Famous literary verses.
13. Personality management.
14. Soft skills and etiquettes.
15. Talks on the environment, global warming, climate change, water conservation.