list out at least 20 file extansions use in window and their uses also give their uses
Most computer users are familiar with the .zip compressed files, but there are other types of compressed files. Below is a list of the most common compressed file extensions.
.aif - AIF audio file
.cda - CD audio track file
.mid or .midi - MIDI audio file.
.mp3 - MP3 audio file
.mpa - MPEG-2 audio file
.ogg - Ogg Vorbis audio file
.wav - WAV file
.wma - WMA audio file
.wpl - Windows Media Player playlist
When making an image of a disc or other media, all of the contained files are saved to an image file. Below are the most common disc image file extensions.
.bin - Binary disc image
.dmg - macOS X disk image
.iso - ISO disc image
.toast - Toast disc image
.vcd - Virtual CD
A data file could be any file, but for this list, we've listed the most common data files that relate to data used for a database, errors, information, importing, and exporting.
.csv - Comma separated value file
.dat - Data file
.db or .dbf - Database file
.log - Log file
.mdb - Microsoft Access database file
.sav - Save file (e.g., game save file)
.sql - SQL database file
.tar - Linux / Unix tarball file archive
.xml - XML file